Empower Your Organization's Leaders by Unlocking the Transformative Power of Storytelling

Cultivate Inspirational Leaders In Your Organization

of participants showed significant improvement in confidence, leadership, and public speaking skills, as reported by their managers

of participants gained a clear understanding of their unique inspirational qualities and effectively used them to inspire those around them

of participants reported they were able to connected with team members in new ways, leading to deeper and more meaningful relationships


Impact Leadership is a transformative multi-module program that empowers your managers to uncover their inspirational leadership brand and activate it within their teams. By participating in this program, your managers will experience a profound shift in their leadership style, ultimately leading to a workforce that is more engaged, energized, and inspired by their leaders.



Why is being an inspirational leader important?

1700 executive leaders were interviewed and asked what were the most important skills required to lead a team effectively.

One of the top 3 skills was “the ability to inspire”. When leaders are more inspiring, teams are more:

| NO. 1 |

ENGAGED - Inspiring leaders create a sense of purpose and meaning, fostering a strong connection between team members and their work. This heightened engagement leads to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates.

RESILIENT - When leaders inspire their teams, they foster a sense of resilience and determination. Team members are more likely to overcome challenges and setbacks, bouncing back stronger and displaying a higher level of perseverance.

| NO. 2 |

INNOVATIVE - When leaders inspire their teams, they encourage creativity and innovation. Inspired team members feel empowered to think outside the box, contribute new ideas, and take calculated risks, which ultimately leads to innovative solutions and continuous improvement.

| NO. 3 |

HIGH PERFORMING - When leaders inspire their teams, they cultivate a high-performance culture. Team members are motivated to excel, setting and achieving ambitious goals, which ultimately leads to outstanding performance and exceptional results.

| NO. 4 |




Six sessions in groups

Six interactive group training sessions designed to build leadership skills and foster connection among participants.

1 - on - 1 coaching

Personalized 1-on-1 coaching sessions to provide tailored guidance and support for individual leadership growth.

workbook & resources

A comprehensive workbook and resources to reinforce learning and provide practical tools for ongoing leadership development.


AI-powered speech feedback to help refine communication skills and enhance leadership story-telling through personalized insights


An Application Challenge day where participants showcase their inspirational leadership stories, turning theory into real-world practice for impactful learning.


Earn a digital credential and badge to showcase your leadership skills and course completion on professional platforms.


3 ways to deliver

A comprehensive, multi-module approach that allows leaders to develop, practice, and refine their skills over time. Perfect for sustained growth and long-term leadership transformation.

A targeted session that addresses the core elements of being an inspirational leader. Perfect for jumpstarting inspiration and equipping leaders to use the power of storytelling to motivate and engage their teams.

An immersive, deep-dive experience into leadership and storytelling. Best for organizations wanting to equip their leaders with actionable strategies and immediately apply new insights.


  • "This was an energetic program that is unlike anything else that we have participated in throughout the years. By delivering the "mini-keynote" at the end, several of us were forced to step outside of our comfort zone and immediately apply the concepts that we learned which was nice because all too often these types of learnings get put on a shelf."

    Participant, Dow

  • "The Impact Leadership Program was well-crafted to help each participant develop their own leadership brand. This program truly allowed us to see the power and IMPACT we can all have on this world."

    Participant, RBC

  • "The Impact Leadership Program changed my approach to leadership, that bringing some of your inspirational leadership stories can change the energy in the organization, which was something we didn’t have before."

    Participant, Dow

  • "One of my favourite parts of this experience was getting to connect with other leaders at NWC that I wouldn't normally deal with on a regular basis. Not only was I learning about myself and my leadership brand, and growing as a leader, but I got to connect with so many others employees that I usually don't have the opportunity to connect with."

    Participant, The North West Company

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